Achievement Pathways
The Achievement Pathways provides opportunities for Scouts to challenge and grow themselves with new skills, abilities and experiences. While participating in their Scouting program Scouts will work towards their Milestones and lower levels of the Outdoor Adventure Skills. Scout that extend themselves will also find that they will be able to achieve additional areas in the Outdoor Adventure Skills and complete Special Interest Area projects.
Introduction to Scouting
- Only completed when first joining Scouting
Introduction to Section
- completed by all members when starting the Scout section
Active participation in the normal scouting program will see most Scouts achieve the Milestones.
Milestones are about individual scouts achieving to the best of their abilities.
Milestone requirements:
Milestone 1
- 24 Participates (6 from each Challenge Area)
- 2 Assists (from two different Challenge Areas)
- 1 Lead
Milestone 2
- 20 Participates (5 from each Challenge Area)
- 3 Assists (from at least two different Challenge Areas)
- 2 Leads
Milestone 3
- 16 Participates (4 from each Challenge Area)
- 4 Assists (from at least two different Challenge Areas)
- 4 Leads
Outdoor Adventure Skills are the link between adventurous activities and the
youth program. They enable youth members of all ages to access the basic
skills for a range of activities, and progress through to high skill levels across
nine broad activity areas. The core skill areas are what is often viewed as ‘key
Scouting skills’ and are encouraged for all sections, whilst the specialist skill
areas offer diversity of choice.
Scouts who are completing their Australian Scout Award will need to complete the three core areas (Bushcraft, Bushwalking and Camping) to Stage 5. They will also need to progress through 10 stages of the Outdoor Adventure Skills while in the Scout section (this can include the stages completed in the core areas).
The specialist areas are Alpine, Aquatics, Boating, Cycling, Paddling & Vertical. The different areas split off into different streams at certain stages. Scouts can complete more than one stream in a particular area and each stage completed in the streams counts as individual progressions. Scouts only wear one badge for each area, the highest overall across that areas streams.
eSpecial Interest Areas encourage Scouts to try new things and pursue existing interests. Scouts set their own goals, enabling them to design a project that interests and challenges them personally.
The Special Interest Areas are:
- Adventure & Sport
- Arts & Literature
- Creating a Better World
- Environment
- Growth & Development
- STEM & Innovation
Scouts who are working towards their Australian Scout Award will need to complete at least 6 Special Interst Area projects while in the scout section, covering at least 3 different areas. Each project should take around 8 hours, this includes the Plan>, Do> and Review> steps.
The Australian Scout Award (previously called the Australian Scout Medallion) is the highest award you can earn in the Scout Section. It is considered the pinnacle of your Scouting at this stage and is a milestone in your Scouting life.
In order to achieve the Australian Scout Medallion, Scouts must meet the Milestones, Outdoor Adventure Skills and Special Interest Area requirements.
They must also do the following additional activities:
- Complete a Personal Development or Leadership Course
- Plan> and lead an Adventurous Journey of at least 3 days, 2 nights
- Reflect on their journey through the Scout section and the on the award
For more information on the Australian Scout Award, click here.
Additional Information and Resources:
A large collection of up to date resources are available on the Scouts Australia program resources site. –
Scouts Victoria also has a collection of resources on their Our Program page.
The new Uniform and Badge Placement guide is available here
Explorer is maintained by the Scout Council Victoria.
Please send any suggestions for content here.
Visit the Scouts Victoria website for more information on Scouting.