State Scout Council
Youth Members
The State Scout Council has had youth representation for the past six years and we are a much better council and section for having Youth on the Council. The Scout Council Youth Members are elected by their peers each year at the State Wut-Pu-Tjara (Youth Forum) for a 12 month term, every candidate who wishes to stand gives a short speech to introduce themselves to the other forum delegates and why they think they should be elected.
Who is the State Scout Council?
The State Scout Council has the following members – Scout Council Youth Members (4), State Commissioner – Scouts (1), Assistant State Commissioner – Scouts (3), Scout Commissioner – Region (10), State Leaders in the Scout Section (1) and Patrol Activity Camping Leaders (3).
What do the Scout Council Youth Members do?
The Scout Council Youth Members are a representative voice at the State level for all Youth Members in the Scout section in Victoria. They attend monthly meetings (usually held at the Victorian Scout Centre (Mt Waverley), with the ability to attend online for those with long distances to travel. They Scout Council Youth Members also have many other responsibilities and opportunities including:
- Hosting the Australian Scout Medallion presentations
- Participating in national program meetings
- Representing the Scout section at major events
What are some of the things the Scout Council Youth Members have done?
- Determined the rules for an extension should a scout need one to complete their Australian Scout Medallion after their 15th birthday
- Put together a PLs handbook
- Design the AJ2020 logo (original)
- Choose the theme and put together the Cohen activities
- Advised on ongoing scouting matters
- Run the ASM ceremonies
Explorer is maintained by the Scout Council Victoria.
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Visit the Scouts Victoria website for more information on Scouting.