(Youth Forum)
What is a Wat-Pu-Tjarra?
It is with great respect that the State Scout Council would like to announce that there is a new name for Youth Forums “wat-pu-tjarra”.
We are grateful to the Dja Dja Wurrung community, located in the Bendigo area, for gifting Scouts Victoria with the word “wat-pu-tjarra”, which means join together/meet together in the Dja Dja language. When using the word, it should be acknowledged that the word is specific to the people of Dja Dja Wurrung and won’t always be of the local language.
Region Wat-Pu-Tjarra
Every year, most regions throughout Victoria run a Region Wat-Pu-Tjarra is normally conducted every year in July and draws on scouts from around their region to come together to discuss issues affecting the scout section a local through to region level.
Most run over a single day and is made up of Scouts who attended their District Wat-Pu-Tjarra or by direct application to the event. A list of upcoming Region events can be found here.
State Wat-Pu-Tjarra
The State Wat-Pu-Tjarra is normally conducted every year in August and draws on scouts from around the state to come together to discuss issues affecting the scout section at a local through to state level. The Scouts often also put up ideas for new badges, events and policies. Some of these things over the years have been things like where the scout craft badge and cords should be worn, an easier way to find camp sites, the miniature badges over the scouts left hand pockets and the state wide camp BayJam which over 600 Scouts and Leaders attended in January 2015, and over 1200 Scouts and Leaders attended in January 2018.
It will be run over two days. Starting in the evening of Friday 9th August till Sunday 11th of August at Bay Park. To attend you will need to be over the age of 12.5 as of the 12th August 2023 and selected by your Region to attend. Each year we have a wide range of Scouts from all over the State attending.
Each year at the Wat-Pu-Tjarra the attendees have the opportunity to run for one of four State Scout Council Youth Member roles. The four Youth Members are elected by their peers during the Wat-Pu-Tjarra. The Youth Members on the State Scout Council provide valuable insight and ideas for the growth of Scouting in Victoria. To find out more about the role and what opportunities it provides please head here for more information: State Scout Council Youth Members
Applications are made on invitation via the Region Wat-Pu-Tjarra. If you are unsure of when you’re regions Wat-Pu-Tjarra is, you can contact your region’s Scout Commissioner.
Explorer is maintained by the Scout Council Victoria.
Please send any suggestions for content here.
Visit the Scouts Victoria website for more information on Scouting.