Scout Leader Notes

Getting an effective TC going takes time and effort, but putting this in will result in you needing to give less over time, as your Scouts step up and take on more responsibility.

Some other reasons for running regular TCs include:

  • a better and more interesting / varied program
  • sharing the decision making, organisation and work
  • more engaged Scouts and therefore retention
  • buy in from the Scouts to ideas, translating into support of the program and attendance
  • the chance to get to know the PLs really well
  • the opportunity to teach and develop new skills, including leadership
  • the time and opportunity to cover tricky issues like discipline
  • a way to reward the PLs for their hard work, including the annual TC-only camp, and other TC-only activities during the year.


    It’s important to work at making the PL role desirable to other members of the Troop. This helps to build the status of the PLs (and thereby make their job with the Patrol easier) and give younger Scouts something to strive towards.

    The annual TC reward camp is a great opportunity for this. Be sure that it’s on the Term Program and to mention that it’s coming up when on parade etc, so the rest of the Scouts know. Having TC for 30 mins before your Troop night is a good chance to emphasise the special role of PLs too – particularly if the pizza boxes are left visible to the rest of the Scouts as they arrive…

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